A Healthy Immune System Begins With A Healthy Body & Mind

We're Happy to Guide You!

You are not alone on your healing journey! Hue Light is always here for you with answers, recommendations, and support. Contact us if there are any questions or concerns, and we’ll do everything possible to help!

BAHI Therapy

BAHI Therapy incorporates a multi-faceted approach, encompassing vibration, photobiomodulation (red light), hydrogen inhalation, and hyperbaric oxygen therapies. Each element works in harmony to create a potential pathway toward a more invigorated you.

Hue Light Resources

We have a variety of resources to help you on your personal healing journey, including research articles, blog posts, and videos tailored with your health needs and concerns in mind.

What We Do

Here at Hue Light, our goal is to provide support to help manage a healthy immune system for those of all ages, providing physical healing and pain relief of all degrees, no matter how mild or severe the condition may be. We work tirelessly in research and development, studying the latest technologies, current market trends, and scientific findings to help you get one step closer to experiencing the healing you’ve been searching for.

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Whole-Body Photobiomodulation (PBM) Chamber

Experience full-body photobiomodulation light therapy and support your overall wellness with green, red, and near-infrared light.

8 level programmable Nogier Frequencies

Visible and infrared wavelengths

Photon intensity

Blood Circulation Capillary Restoration

Cell Restoration Elasticity Enhancement

Activate Mitochondria

ATP Synthesis Nitric Oxide (NO) Production

Maintain Hormonal Balance

Increase Body Temperature

Disclaimer: We do not guarantee specific results and results may vary from person to person

NEW Molecular Hydrogen Inhalation Device (H-2000)

The most potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecule ever known, molecular hydrogen (H2), is made available to you through the Molecular Hydrogen Inhalation Device H-2000.

High Capacity: Average 2,100 CC of Gas per minute

10 minutes of inhaling hydrogen = 12 tons of drinking hydrogen water

Polyelectrolyte method (PEM)

99.99% gas purity

Watch the Daily Dose

Discover the science of BAHI Therapy and integrative medicine in our weekly video series.

Foods that FIGHT Inflammation – What to Eat & What to Avoid

Listen to the Podcast

Join Dr. Mitch Ghen for the monthly Hue Light Wellness Podcast. Explore the latest in integrative medicine with a new guest each month.

Using Anti-Aging Tech to Optimize Health (Chat with Hue Light USA)

Case Report on a Novel Application of Molecular Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy for Parkinson's Disease and Persistent Post-Concussive Syndrome

Our Products for Your Healthy Immune System

You don’t need to live with less than the best; we have a wide selection of KC, CE, RoHS, and FDA-registered products that can help with your health concerns. You can experience a healing process with our products, which may provide you with the relief you deserve.

Sonix Sonicwave Vibration Device

Support your fitness routine and naturally soothe and relax the body with vibration therapy.


Hyperbaric Oxygen Capsule

A premium hyperbaric capsule, our hyperbaric oxygen therapy capsule maximizes oxygen saturation in the body to support natural healing processes.


Molecular Hydrogen Inhalation Device (H-1200)

Support your health with a therapeutic dose of molecular hydrogen, one of the world’s most potent antioxidants.


Abdomen PBM Irradiator

Deliver targeted red light to your stomach to soothe and relax the muscles, offering a boost to gut health.


Breast PBM Irradiator

Support your breast care routine with our Breast PBM Irradiator, a red light therapy pad offering targeted wellness.


Nanobubble Hydrogen SPA Generator HM-SPA500

Infuse any bath with hydrogen-rich nanobubbles, offering a spa-like boost to your skincare routine.


Space Energy Device

Experience a balance of energy and matter with our unique Space Energy Device.


Litewater – Deuterium Depleted Water

Reduce deuterium in the body naturally with our deuterium-depleted water.



Used with our Molecular Hydrogen Inhalation Devices, this 7-foot soft tube set is made of high-quality material and contains a thick, silicone soft tube to help with smooth movement of hydrogen and oxygen.


PBM Full Body Panel w/ Stand

Easily adjust positioning and deliver personalized full-body photobiomodulation therapy. The 8 pulse frequency settings allow for tailored care to alleviate symptoms.



Coming Soon


Full Body Scan To Help Deliver Self-Healing Frequencies

Coming Soon


Dr. Nogier Frequencies System

Customize frequency settings based on your body constitution and your condition

Cell activation

Balance autonomic nerve

Frequency cycling

Mental & physical stability stress reduction

Peripheral nervous system

Hormone balance

Nogier frequencies

Blood circulation

Brain activation memory

Dr. Nogier Frequencies System

BAHI Therapy

Sonix Sonicwave Vibration Therapy | Photobiomodulation + Molecular H2
Inhalation | Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

BAHI Therapy, which stands for blood circulation, antioxidant, hormonal balance, and immunity, is Hue Light USA’s revolutionary care program. Combining the synergistic power of four therapies, BAHI Therapy can supercharge your body’s natural healing response.
Sonix Sonicwave Vibration Therapy

Sonix Sonicwave Vibration Therapy

Whole-Body PBM + Molecular Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

BAHI Therapy can offer a wellness boost for better health and vitality. Consult with your doctor about using BAHI Therapy to support:

Sleep Health

Skin Health

Gut Health

Immune System


Brain Health

Bone Health

Heart Health

What Is Photobiomodulation?

It is a term that summons the aiding process of cellular reproduction and blood circulation by the particular wavelength of light source. This keyword has been presented in December 2016 as a future clinical method in the medical subject headings (MeSH) by the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Reference: Ying-Ying Huang, Pawel Miroz, & Michael R. Hamblin.
“Basic Photomedicine.” Harvard Medical School

Simultaneous Treatment

Whole-Body PBM + Molecular Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy

You can experience the power of PBM therapy and molecular hydrogen inhalation for a fast, synergistic effect. This combination stimulate antioxidant activity for a healthier you!

Join Us At Our Next Event

Don’t miss out! Join us at tradeshows or at our exclusive master classes with Dr. Ghen and learn how to bring cutting-edge technologies into your practice.

Case Studies

Check out our case studies to learn more about those who have experienced
the healing powers of Hue Light for themselves.

The Potential Health Benefits of Our Products

Hue Light offers a rich variety of products that can offer you the best possible health benefits.

Diminish Stress

When using PBM therapy, particular wavelengths of light penetrate into the mitochondria in the cells to activate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), nitric oxide (NO), and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, allowing the body to self-treat diseases caused by diet and lifestyle. 

Heal Wounds Faster

Our Hyperbaric Oxygen Capsule is designed to help enhance mitochondrial function, assist cells in producing the essential amounts of energy for optimal operation, and reduce systemic inflammation.

Brain Disease Support

With our hydrogen inhalation therapy machine, you can experience the benefits of molecular hydrogen (H2) gas. This clean and renewable energy source helps balance your immune system by deoxidizing excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS)—typically generated from stress—and converting them into water.

Decrease Body Fat

Sonix sonicwave vibration therapy works to help deliver wave energy throughout your body, working to potentially smooth ligaments and tendons that are challenging to stimulate with conventional exercise.

Breast Tenderness Relief

LLLT, also known as low-level laser therapy, is a revolutionary treatment that has been shown in studies to help with circulation and pain issues. This form of therapy includes red and near-infrared light, which work to penetrate deeply into your lymph nodes and muscles.

Manage Your Health Through Our Smart App

Get the most out of your well-being with the revolutionary Hue Light Whole-Body PBM Chamber – now available to be directly controlled from your smartphone! With this system, you can easily track and monitor just how effective its therapy can be in improving your health.
Tell us about your Hue Light journey


"I was diagnosed with MS, and I was recovering from a bout of Lyme when I first tried Hue Light. When I had treatment, my daughter, who noticed that my speech was slightly slurred, suggested I seek medical attention, which I did. I wound up in the hospital that night with extremely high blood pressure, but I did not find out until after my MRI the next day that I had an actual stroke! I am convinced that the Hue Light treatments I received kept the results of the left pons infarct from being as bad as they could have been! "

Rita Greier

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